Saturday, June 27, 2009

Oppose the American Clean Energy and Security Act

Only 2 of the large environmental organizations stood up to typical corporate politics in Washington and opposed the remarkably bad American Clean Energy and Security Act (Waxman-Markey). Their criticism says say it all, so I'll just post their statements here.
Greenpeace opposes Waxman-Markey (Statement by Greenpeace)
Greenpeace opposes Waxman-Markey (Blogger mikeg's summation on Greenpeace's blog)
Flawed energy and climate bill passes house (Statement by Friends of the Earth)

In reading about the "Cash for Clunkers" program in the papers, I was initially opposed because it continues supporting the use of cars and not mass transit (and bikes, walking, etc.). But in reading this section in the Wikipedia entry on the bill, I'm even more opposed to it. Here is a snippet of the environmentalist analysis:
Environmentalists criticized the "fuel efficiency" standards in the "cash for clunkers" provision of the bill, because new cars would only need to get 22 MPG to be considered "fuel efficient." [36][37] New SUVs and pickup trucks would only need to get 18 MPG to be considered "fuel efficient." [38] Vehicles older than 25 years are not eligible for the program. CNN reported that "One of the biggest criticisms is that it's not very environmentally friendly."[39]
Unbelievable! So, in the end, "Cash for Clunkers" is just taxpayer money wasted on more corporate welfare for the polluting auto industry and an award for both past and present irresponsible consumer behavior.

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